
They Rescue a Dog that was Used for Street F.i.gh.ts, he Cries when they give him a Bed!

I literally broke into tears. No dog should be [fi.ght.ing] another dog, they just need a nice home with a lot of love.
Thank you God for the exceptional human who went to the call of duty. 👌💝
Hope someone gives this [po.or] dog a safe and warm home to live in. 🥰💋🌹🌷

Manchas is a very sociable and beloved pitbull terrier dog in the neighborhood where he resides, but it was not always so because his previous owners subjected him to [street fi.gh.ts], did not feed him properly, and he developed [sk.in ca.nc.er].

This dog had given up hope until he broke free from the chains that bound him and stumbled into a family that took him and healed him. He could not believe it when they bought him his first bed and began to cry because the nights of cold, heat or mosquitoes had passed, and he thanked the Angels who saved him with licks.

Abigail Castro tells Bunko a story about the long-suffering Mancha dog; This dog arrived at her house alone, and she was taken to see the [ba.d] condition he was in, with [in.jur.ies], unkempt fur, a sad look, so she no longer thought about it and took him to the vet, where he was diagnosed with [sk.in ca.nc.er], malnutrition and [in.fe.cted w.o.un.ds].

She had no idea who owned this dog, so she started looking for the owner on “social media”, where an anonymous source informed her that he belonged to some neighbor and that he was used in [i.lle.gal street fi.gh.ts].

He tried to contact people, but they didn’t seem interested, so he took responsibility for him and adopted him into his family at that time.
When they give manchas his first bed, he cries.

After noticing the spots on the beds of her other dogs, she decided to get him the right size for him, so she looked around and found the perfect bed.

Although it was a typical gift for her, he considered it the best gift because when Abigail told him it was a gift for him, he went to bed crying. She had no idea that he was crying, but tears flowed from his eyes.

He is now very happy; he started crying the day we bought the bed; I have a shot of him crying in his bed.

Despite his past, he was an exceptional dog, well-behaved and brave. He has erased all negativity and is loved by everyone; he plays with local children, keeps the neighbors company at night, and if an [in.tr.ud.er] tries to mess with his Mancha family, he will not hesitate to use [fo.rce].
And now he has a chance at a loving home!!

Thank You for Rescuing and Giving this Precious Doggy Love and Care! You Angels came along Again… Thank You sooo Much 🙏

Heavenly Father please touch this beautiful dog and send healing through his body. Please make sure that he finds a loving forever home, giving him the time and care he needs to heal so that his true personality can shine through. AMEN🙏🙏🙏

Hope he can be happy and loved by someone who will love him and care for him as he so much deserves it now [po.or] dog 😥❤❤
So glad this one got rescued and now live a happy home life❤️

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