I Found Out My Husband Switches from His SUV to an Old Cheap Car Every Day and Drives Somewhere — So I Decided to Follow Him - Ivermectin

I Found Out My Husband Switches from His SUV to an Old Cheap Car Every Day and Drives Somewhere — So I Decided to Follow Him

My husband always left for work in his shiny SUV, but then I saw him switching to a rusty old car halfway through the day. I couldn’t shake the feeling something was off, so I followed him. But I wasn’t prepared for where he went.

We all think we know our spouses, don’t we? Even the little things like how they take their coffee, which side of the bed they prefer, and the way they hum off-key in the shower. After ten years of marriage, I thought I knew everything about Henry. His dreams, his fears, even the way his voice changed slightly when he was hiding something as trivial as eating the last cookie from the jar.

“No secrets between us,” he’d promised on our wedding day. “Not even a headache.”

I remember laughing, thinking how lucky I was to have found someone so honest and so genuine. If only I’d known then that the man I married was living a lie so big it would shatter our entire world.

It started like any other Tuesday a few months ago. I was folding laundry, and matching tiny superhero socks that belonged to our six-year-old son, when my phone rang.

“Mrs. Diana? This is Jessica from Dr. Khan’s office. I’m calling to confirm your appointment for this afternoon.”

I balanced the phone between my ear and shoulder, continuing to fold. “That’s right, 2 p.m.”

There was a pause, then: “Dr. Khan mentioned there’s a specific detail about your husband she’d like to discuss. She said it’s important.”

My hands stilled on a half-folded t-shirt. “I’m sorry, what about my husband?”

“That’s all she said, Mrs. Diana. Will you still be coming in?”

I almost canceled. The kids had a playdate after school, and I had a million errands to run. But that phrase “about your husband” kept echoing in my mind.

“Yes,” I said. “I’ll be there.”

So, that afternoon, I left for the appointment. Dr. Khan’s waiting room was as pristine as ever, all chrome and glass and fashion magazines from last month.

I’d been coming here for Botox for years, watching the subtle signs of aging fade away under her skilled hands. But today, she didn’t lead me to the treatment room right away.

Instead, she ushered me into her private office, gesturing for me to sit in a plush chair across from her desk.

“Diana, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but… are you and Henry having financial troubles? Is everything alright? If you don’t mind me asking.”

I blinked, thrown by the question. “Financial troubles? No, not at all. Henry’s one of the top managers at my father’s company, Dr. Khan. We’re doing very well. Why would you ask that?”

She leaned forward, lowering her voice although we were alone.

“Well, I see him every day from my office window. He’s wearing these shabby clothes and drives off in an old Mustang that looks like it’s held together with duct tape and prayers.”

I forced a laugh. “That can’t be right. Henry’s in meetings all day. He wouldn’t—”

“Wait here,” Dr. Khan interrupted, glancing at her watch. “He usually shows up around this time. See for yourself.”

Against my better judgment, I nodded and decided that a little waiting wouldn’t hurt to prove Dr. Khan wrong.

Thirty minutes can feel like an eternity when your whole world is about to change. I sat by Dr. Khan’s window, my heart pounding so hard I was sure she could hear it even as she pretended to do paperwork at her desk.

Then I saw it. A rusted, beaten-down Mustang that looked like it belonged in a junkyard pulled into the parking lot across the street.

My pulse pounded in my ears as I recognized the driver. Henry. But not the Henry who had left our house that morning in his crisp suit and shiny SUV.

This Henry wore tattered jeans, a threadbare t-shirt, and a shabby jacket I’d never seen before. He glanced around furtively before heading into the toy store nearby, emerging moments later with what looked like stuffed animals.

My phone felt like it weighed a thousand pounds as I pulled it out, hitting his number on speed dial.

“Hey, honey!” His voice was cheerful. Normal. As if he wasn’t standing there in clothes that looked like they came from a donation bin. “I’m in a board meeting. Can I call you back?”

I watched him speak into his phone from across the street, bile rising in my throat. “Oh, sure. Don’t work too hard, darling!”

As he hung up laughing and climbed into the rusted Mustang, Dr. Khan squeezed my hand. “Diana, I’m so sorry. I thought you should know.”

I stood up, my legs shaking. “I don’t understand. That can’t be. Why would he…?”

“Do you want me to call someone?” Dr. Khan asked gently, her arms crossed.

“No. I need to know where he’s going.”

I grabbed my purse and rushed toward the door. I got into my car and waited as Henry took off in the Mustang.

I followed him. What choice did I have?

Twenty minutes of suburban streets gave way to county roads, my hands trembling on the steering wheel. That run-down Mustang led me further from everything I thought I knew about my life and my marriage.

My mind raced through possibilities, each worse than the last. Was he gambling? Involved in something illegal?

The Henry I knew wouldn’t be caught dead in clothes like that and driving a car that looked one pothole away from the junkyard.

When he finally stopped at a small house with peeling paint and overgrown grass some ten miles out of town, I pulled over, my heart thundering.

Through the windshield, I watched as Henry retrieved the grocery bags from his trunk, along with what I could now see were definitely stuffed animals. He approached the house and knocked on the door.

Moments later, a woman opened the door and stepped out. She was young and beautiful. God, she couldn’t have been more than thirty. She was pretty, with long dark hair and warm brown eyes.

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