My wife told me our 3-year-old son had been buried – A day later, I discovered the horrifying truth - Ivermectin

My wife told me our 3-year-old son had been buried – A day later, I discovered the horrifying truth

After five years together, Greg and Natalie, who married young—too young—separated. Their love had faded, and parting ways felt right. The divorce was amicable: no drama, no custody battles, just acceptance. By the time it was finalized, they lived in different states.

Natalie had custody of their son, Oliver, but every night, without fail, she called Greg so he could say goodnight. Greg only saw Oliver on holidays, but those calls made the distance bearable.

Co-parenting worked well until one evening, Greg got a call that shattered him. Natalie, sobbing, screamed, “Greg, our son is gone!” She claimed Oliver had died and been buried without Greg even knowing. Heartbroken and confused, Greg decided to uncover the truth.

The next morning, Natalie’s husband, Mike, revealed the shocking truth: Oliver was alive. Natalie, overwhelmed by a breakdown, had fabricated the story out of fear Greg wanted to take Oliver away. Greg confronted Natalie, furious and devastated, demanding answers. She admitted she lied, fearing Greg’s involvement after discovering she was pregnant again.

Determined to rebuild trust and protect Oliver, Greg suggested counseling. He also decided to move closer to his son, ensuring nothing would keep them apart again.

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